There has been well documented proof in preventing cavities. In fact, these days it is unusual to hear of anyone using wooden teeth as they did back in George Washington’s day. During those Revolutionary times, there was almost no knowledge present that instructed people on how to prevent a cavity.
These days, dentists are available to coach their patients on the best ways and techniques to prevent cavities. By following a few simple rules, most people can become very good at preventing cavities. This is good news for people as cavities are often painful and rather expensive to fix.
Many dentists recommend that their patients brush their teeth after every meal as a way to prevent cavity. For many people, however, this is not practical. For this reason, many dentists agree that brushing in the morning after breakfast and at night before bedtime is a good compromise when it comes to preventing cavities.
A major tool in learning how to prevent cavities is to floss. Again, while most dentists agree that it would be ideal for an individual to floss after every meal, most of them recognize that this is not practical. So for this reason many dentists recommend that their patients at least floss before they retire for the night as a way of preventing cavities.
Dental visits to clean the teeth are recommended for everyone. In most cases, a dental visit every six months is recommended as a way of preventing cavities. The teeth can be cleaned thoroughly as well as any problem areas noted. If any problems are found, they can be addressed right away so they will not develop into larger problems. In many cases, fluoride is painted on the back teeth of children in an effort to prevent cavities from forming on their molars and wisdom teeth.