If you want to customize the efficiency of your dental office consulting with a dental management professional is the best way to go. In every individual dental practice growth can bring new obstacles and challenges, and talking to a dental consultant can help you discover the optimal solutions for your office.
For patients, seeing the dentist is never just about seeing the dentist. There are schedulers, parking lots, secretaries, forms, waiting rooms, and a host of other things before a patient ever gets a chance to rinse and spit. Likewise, once they leave the office they must deal with follow up calls, insurance claims, future scheduling, and post procedural care questions. Since the first school of dentistry opened in 1828, dentists have had to compete for clients. And today, dental consultants can help them figure out how.
Dental consultants will look at your office from the perspective of the patient. What works? What does not work? What are the minimum expectations a patient has when visiting? How can an office go above and beyond these expectations? Dental practice consulting can answer all of these questions.
Likewise, a qualified dental consultant can examine the business side of your office. What kind of training does the staff receive? Which software is best suited to the tasks being performed? How efficient is the communication with the insurance companies? What debt collection practices are in place? And how easily can any of the staff explain any of these components to a patient?
But quality dental consulting is more than just analysis and implementation. The best dental consultants will help you find your identity as an office, what it is you want the experience to mean to your clients. Once that identity is found, it can inform virtually every decision, from the color of the walls to font on your forms. Dental consultants look not just at the parts, but at the whole.
The importance of oral health is almost universally understood. Patients will come in to your office for a variety of reasons, such as fillings, dentures, crowns, root canals, extractions, or even just routine cleaning. But by talking to a dental consultant, you can make sure that, whatever the reason they come in, yours will be the office they want to call their own.