
Protecting Your Smile, One Cavity at a Time


Amazing Facts About Today’s Dental Cosmetic’s

Feb 13, 2014

If you had access to a time machine and used it to travel back in time 100 years, you would find an American population in which half of all people were missing all of their teeth. Since dental schools had…


How a Cosmetic Dentist Can Make Your Teeth Look Better

Feb 11, 2014

About 100 years ago, there were very few, if any solutions for dental problems like missing or uneven teeth and darkened gums. Today, however, there are a litany of options for cosmetic dental work, including dental implantation surgery, teeth whitening…


Today’s Most Amazing Dental Cosmetic Surgeries

Feb 11, 2014

Do you know how much Americans spend each year to have whiter teeth? According to the latest statistics, American citizens spend around $1.4 billions dollars on whitening toothpastes, tooth whitening kits, and tooth whitening dental procedures. Since possessing a nice,…


About the Options For Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Feb 8, 2014

Updated 4/7/2022 Teeth that are discolored, misshapen, worn, chipped, or have gaps between them tend to have a negative connotation to a person. A regular check-up with your dentist could solve your cavity problems by going through a cavity cleaning…


An Affordable Way to Attractive Teeth

Feb 8, 2014

Did you know that 99% of Americans surveyed believe that healthy teeth can benefit one’s social life? When you think about it, a full, straight set of sparkling white teeth can definitely make a person more attractive, while a less-than-stellar…

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